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Complete Front-end Development Roadmap (2024).

Rafaqat Mahmood
Rafaqat Mahmood
Published on Aug 18, 2024

In the last couple of years, Front-end Development is becoming the most important factor in Web Development. Learning Front-end Development in 2024 can be tricky because there are a lot of technologies we have to learn.

I make this article for you so you can start your Front-end Development career in 2024.

We will cover most of the Front-end Development technologies step by step.


The first language is HTML. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, HTML represents all the content of the website, for example, paragraphs, images, videos, buttons, links and so more. HTML is not rocket science so anyone can learn it. HTML5 is the latest version of HTML.


The second and important language is CSS3. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It is a language we use for styling elements inside of Web Page like changing the font, color, size, width, height and so more.

Responsive Design

Nowadays every Client wants a mobile version of their website. Responsive web design is about creating web pages that look good on all devices. We Design Websites that are mobile-friendly with the help of CSS queries. Responsive Design is also an important factor for Front-end Development.

Choosing a CSS3 Framework

In CSS Frameworks we have predefined class, components, and mobile-friendly grid system. We don’t have to code from scratch. There are a lot of CSS Frameworks I choose some popular for you.


The Third and most important Programing Language is JavaScript. With the help of JavaScript users can interact with Web Page. We can add animations on scroll, Click events, and more. Because with the help of HTML and CSS we can only see everything we can not interact with the Web Page.

What is a JavaScript Framework

JavaScript frameworks are JavaScript pre-written code to use for standard programming functions and tasks. with the help of JS frameworks, we can build SPA (Single Page Applications). There are many JavaScript frameworks available.

List of JavaScript frameworks.

Time to Choose a JavaScript Framework

I personally like React JS. React JS was the first JS framework that I learned. If you Learn React So it will be easy for you to switch frameworks. If you like Vue you can also learn it.

Git and Github

Git is a free and open-source version control system. Git keeps track of everything in your Project. Git record changes made to our code.

GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. Git and Github is also an important topic for Front-end Development.

Where to learn all of these?

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Note: I tried to cover all important technologies let me know if I forget to add some others.

Thanks for reading this article.